We need your help!

7th January 2020

The proposed refreshed plan is now available and we’re asking for comments on our programme objectives and priorities for the coming year, in the form of our Children & Young People’s Emotional Wellbeing and Mental Health Transformation Plan ‘Refresh’ Survey. We would appreciate your feedback and any comments you may have as they are needed in order for us to continue with the progress that has already been made.

Please click on the link below and complete the short survey by 3 February 2020. The survey contains six questions about the proposed refreshed plan and a further seven questions about yourself, that are optional to complete.

To assist you in this process the refreshed plan, together with a summary version, are available for you to read within the survey below or you can access them here (Transformation Plan Refresh 2020-21 / CYP friendly summary of the refreshed Transformation Plan 2020-21)

Could you also share this survey to all the stakeholders across your networks so that we can gather feedback from a wide variety of people. The questions can be answered as an individual or, if you prefer, groups/organisations can complete the survey together.

Click to take part in our survey: https://nhs.researchfeedback.net/s.asp?k=157166668698

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