Transformation Plan Refresh Survey Update

25th February 2020

A survey was issued to all stakeholders with an interest in the transformation plan (from children and young people, parents/carers and community groups to health and education professionals) to obtain their feedback on the refreshed objectives and priorities for 2020/21, which is the final year of the programme. Two versions of the transformation plan refresh document, containing the objectives and priorities, were made available to all respondents within the survey – the full plan and a more children and young people friendly summary version.  Stakeholders were asked to indicate whether they were responding for themselves or on behalf of a group and to indicate their professional, voluntary or personal position or interest.

The survey of stakeholders was originally intended to take place in November 2019 but due to the general election and a period of Purdah, this was delayed until January 2020.  The engagement period ran from Tuesday 7 January until Monday 3 February, a period of four weeks. Overall, 103 responses were received to this survey, which is significantly higher than in previous years.  A report of findings has been produced and the feedback is being assessed which will result in a ‘you said, we did’ document, which will inform respondents and stakeholders what has changed as a result of the survey feedback.

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