Parent/Carer Engagement Sessions for Healthy Young Minds Website

25th February 2020

As with other sections of the website, working with users is vital to ensure we meet the needs of parents and carers when it comes to building their section of the website. To this end, engagement sessions with some parent and carer groups have already taken place and further engagement sessions are planned.  Although over 24 parent/carer groups across Lancashire and South Cumbria have been contacted to date,  arrangements are still being made to further their involvement.  A survey has been produced in order for parents and carers unable to participate in face-to-face sessions to contribute their ideas, suggestions and feedback.

Engagement sessions will continue over the next few months after which the task of building the parent/carer section of the website will commence.  If there is sufficient interest and representation, the building of the parent/carer section of the website may be done through co-production.

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