Kooth is being rolled out in Lancashire and South Cumbria

21st August 2019

Across Lancashire and South Cumbria, ‘Kooth’, which is an anonymous and confidential online counselling and emotional wellbeing service for young people aged 11-16 years, is being rolled out.  The service commenced in April and is free to use and accessible via mobile phone, tablet or computer at https://www.kooth.com/.

The service is used extensively across the country with the emphasis that a digital solution will provide flexibility and support where and when they are most needed for the young person. In addition to the friendly counselling within the service, you can read articles written by young people, get support from the Kooth community and write in a daily journal. One young person said, “It means a lot to know Kooth is there even if others can’t be.”

The Kooth team across Lancashire and South Cumbria are continuing to engage with schools, CAMHS services, GPs and Family Wellbeing Services to talk about their service.

Take up has been fantastic and in the first three-month period, over 800 young people have registered within Lancashire and South Cumbria for the service; there have been 3,061 logins, 306 chat sessions and 1,247 messages received from across the area.

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