Coronavirus: Help and guidance
19th March 2020
Keeping you and your child’s physical and mental health well, over the next coming weeks is so important to help manage the COVID-19 virus. We hope that you are following the public health guidelines as they update regularly to best manage your health and take care of you and your family. Alongside the COVID-19 government guidelines and restrictions, we acknowledge that this may have an impact upon your child’s emotional wellbeing and that access to support and everyday things that keep us well may be restricted. Below are some useful tips.
Given the current circumstances and restrictions Coronavirus has placed upon us, why not follow the five ways to wellbeing at home and encourage your family and friends to do the same?
Connect - It is important to stay connected to friends and family whilst the ‘physical’ social distancing is recommended; to tackle this we can use social media, facetime, text, group chats, WhatsApp etc.
Be active - Activity and exercise is key to feeling good so go for a walk, jog, cycle, dance, put the music on, make some exercises up around the home, play games, do some gardening, bake, cook, interact as a family together and have fun.
Take notice - Take notice of your feelings and thoughts and practice some mindfulness strategies at home to help you manage and relax – see resources on our Resilience and Mindfulness webpage for help on this.
Learn - Stimulate the mind, create opportunities to learn new things, read a book, learn how to sew, stich, a new game, access online learning resources, complete schoolwork, revision and workbooks.
Give - Give yourself personal space and time to look after yourself – ensure you eat a healthy diet, exercise, stick to some routine and sleep well. Give your patience, time, smile and be kind.
For more resources, please visit our COVID-19 page which has been created specifically with parents and carers in mind.
If a child or young person that you know would like some information or advice, take a look at our COVID-19 page which has been created specifically with children and young people in mind.